Professional Restoration & Repair
Structural &
Cosmetic Repair.
Concrete, Masonry, and Wood.
Click on the category that best suits your needs.
Movement of brick masonry
Separation of Brick
Level check for finish
Bricks replaced with stays
Brick Removed
Structural braces in Place
Inventory and cleaning of original brick
Brick replaced finish
Color matched mortar
Original color matched
Stair spalls
Driveway broken in half
Form set
Fiber reinforced concrete for long life
New concrete curing
New drive and stairs
New concrete in place
Finished driveway
Horizontal foundation crack injected
Vertical foundation crack injected
Brick masonry supported
Scaling concrete surface
Old driveway removed
Jahn Masonry product installed
Carving stone frieze
Layout of original pattern
30' of frieze reconstructed
Back to original appearance
Historic Colorado Church
Finished look
Beaded pointing on Ashlar cut rock faced tuckpointing
Church before restoration cleaning
Close up new Jahn Mortar Installed
Columns cleaned
Dentils reconstructed
Front view after restoration
Finished wall and sills
Trinidad City Hall
Trinidad City Hall
Falling stone breaks terra cotta roof
Final restored
Finished rear view after sills and dentils restored
Finished reconstruction of frieze
Finished wall
New stones curing
Gentle restoration technique
Fabricating new stones
New opening for ramp
Restoring Bricks
Overall finished look
Preparing wall for new stones
Putting the pieces back together
Ready for the 21st century
Repairing and resetting stairs
Sill condition on the entire building
Sill water table restored to original historic profile after 100 years of decay
Stone blown out by strike
Stone removed
Stuck by lightning
Pinnacle restored
Terra cotta damage
Terra cotta tiles replaced
Texture and color to match existing
Trinidad City Hall
Wall with rebuilt cap stones
After Repair
Aggregate Matching and Repair
Bosun's Chair to work aloft
Caulking to be replaced
Deck Repairs
Deck Waterproofing
Dock Repairs
Drain Placement Testing
Efflorescence Issues
Epoxy Injection on Precast Wall
Epoxy Injection
Finished Dock Repair
Handicap Ramp Pour
Joint Matching
Masonry Stone Replacement
Parking garage repair
Patching and Repair of Structural Precast
Patching Repair
Precast Panel Repairs
Precast parking garage reinforcement installed
Core Drilling
Public Use Areas
Reinforcements installed and caulked
RezTech Stair Replacements
Garage waterproofing
Damage after sign removal
Spall Repairs
Spalling at joints
Stair Repairs
Structural Reinforcement
Swimming Pool Repairs
Tank Repairs
Tear Out